1. T. Xiong, W. Yang, S. Zheng, Z. Liu, Y. Lu, R. Zhang, Y. Zhou, X. Shao, B. Zhang, J. Wang, F. Yin, P.K. Liaw, X. Ma, Faceted Kurdjumov-Sachs interface-induced slip continuity in the eutectic high-entropy alloy, AlCoCrFeNi2.1, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 65 (2021) 216-227.
2. T. Xiong, S. Zheng, J. Pang, X. Ma, High-strength and high-ductility AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy achieved via precipitation strengthening in a heterogeneous structure, Scripta Materialia 186 (2020) 336-340.
3. X. Zheng, M. Gong, T. Xiong, H. Ge, L. Yang, Y. Zhou, S. Zheng, J. Wang, X. Ma, Deformation induced FCC lamellae and their interaction in commercial pure Ti, Scripta Materialia 162 (2019) 326-330.
4. W. Yang, I.J. Beyerlein, Q. Jin, H. Ge, T. Xiong, L. Yang, J. Pang, Y. Zhou, X. Shao, B. Zhang, S. Zheng, X. Ma, Strength and ductility of bulk Cu/Nb nanolaminates exposed to extremely high temperatures, Scripta Materialia 166 (2019) 73-77.
5. L. Yang, H. Ge, J. Zhang, T. Xiong, Q. Jin, Y. Zhou, X. Shao, B. Zhang, Z. Zhu, S. Zheng, X. Ma, High He-ion irradiation resistance of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy revealed by comparison study with Ni and 304SS, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35(3) (2019) 300-305.
6. J. Pang, T. Xiong, X. Wei, Z. Zhu, B. Zhang, Y. Zhou, X. Shao, Q. Jin, S. Zheng, X. Ma, Oxide MnCr2O4 induced pitting corrosion in high entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi, Materialia 6 (2019) 100275.
7. T. Xiong, S.J. Zheng, Y.T. Zhou, J.C. Pang, Q.Q. Jin, H.L. Ge, X.D. Zheng, L.X. Yang, I.J. Beyerlein, X.L. Ma, Enhancing strength and thermal stability of TWIP steels with a heterogeneous structure, Materials Science and Engineering: A 720 (2018) 231-237.
8. Y.-Y. Xi, J. He, X.-J. Sun, W. Li, J.-Z. Zhao, H.-R. Hao, T. Xiong, Ni-Based Metallic Glass Composites Containing Cu-Rich Crystalline Nanospheres, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 31(11) (2018) 1130-1136.
9. Y.Z. Tian, T. Xiong, S.J. Zheng, Y. Bai, J. Freudenberger, R. Pippan, Z.F. Zhang, N. Tsuji, Ultrafine-grained CuAg7Zr0.05 alloy with fully recrystallized microstructure, Materialia 3 (2018) 162-168.
10. M. Jahedi, I.J. Beyerlein, M.H. Paydar, S. Zheng, T. Xiong, M. Knezevic, Effects of Pressure and Number of Turns on Microstructural Homogeneity Developed in High-Pressure Double Torsion, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 48A(3) (2017) 1249-1263.
11. W.L. Liu, M.L. Chen, X.X. Li, S. Dubey, T. Xiong, Z.M. Dai, J. Yin, W.L. Guo, J.L. Ma, Y.N. Chen, J. Tan, D. Li, Z.H. Wang, W. Li, V. Bouchiat, D.M. Sun, Z. Han, Z.D. Zhang, Effect of aging-induced disorder on the quantum transport properties of few-layer WTe2, 2D Materials 4(1) (2016) 011011.